LanetteSep 16, 20194 min readPart 1: The Physics of AlignmentDo you think that alignment is important because you’ve thought it through and it makes logical sense to you? Or do you believe in...
LanetteAug 16, 20192 min readPilates SpeakPilates teachers have a language all their own. Pilates Speak is the use of technical jargon, anatomical terms, and...
LanetteAug 7, 20192 min readQuestion EverythingA little Pilates Paranoia is a good thing. Assume everything you hear is flawed, until you've thought it through for yourself... I watch...
LanetteJul 29, 20193 min readWhen Your Pilates House is Falling Apart...and You Don't Even Know It!Foundational assumptions are the make or break of your Pilates practice. Be sure your house is built on solid ground. “Posture is hugely...
LanetteJul 4, 20192 min readAbout The Pilates DetectiveThe Pilates community is at a crossroads. Where we go from here is up to us. My generation of teachers faces a conundrum. Our industry...